Le désordre du monde

Le désordre du monde

From the Classical Era to the dawn of modernity, we understood “economies”—in such varied disciplines as theology, mathematics, arts and literature or biology—to mean good, complex and well-reasoned arrangements…As so many seeds that we sow, we reaped a concept that was turned on its head under the effects of management, capitalist stewardship and productivity-driven ideologies. Nothing can withstand these forces: intensive agriculture kills the soils it depends on, growth and development destroy territories on enormous scales before repeating the exercise on even larger terrains, management sciences grind up consciousness to better exploit it. And documentary filmmakers captured it all, with the hope of inciting a collective moment of lucidity.


Alain Deneault


Alain Deneault is a professor of philosophy at the Shippagan Campus of the University of Moncton and a member of the Collège international de philosophie in Paris. His essays focus on managerial ideology, the sovereignty of private powers and the history of the polysemous notion of economy. He is the author of Bande de colons, Gouvernance et La Médiocratie (Lux), a series of pamphlets on the economy (L’Économie de la nature, L’Économie de la foi, L’Économie esthétique) and has written several essays on multinationals and sovereignties of convenience published by Écosociété and Rue de l’échiquier, of which De quoi Total est-elle la somme? (2017).

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