Hubert Sabino-Brunette a complété son doctorat à l’Université de Montréal, où il a également enseigné le cinéma québécois. Fasciné par les écrits sur le cinéma et les films, sa thèse porte sur la critique cinématographique dans les quotidiens montréalais des années 1920 et son mémoire sur la réception critique du cinéma québécois, dans les revues québécoises de cinéma des années 1960-70. Passionné de cinéma, il a développé une dépendance au documentaire qu’il tente de soigner en s’impliquant dans les comités de programmation des RIDM, du Cinéma sous les étoiles et de Tënk, notamment. Il enseigne également l'histoire du documentaire, depuis 2018, à l’École des métiers du cinéma et de la vidéo (EMCV) du Cégep de Rivière-du-Loup. Il affectionne particulièrement les oeuvres cinématographiques qui explorent les possibles du cinéma, tout en appréciant les documentaires plus chargés socialement et politiquement. Coups de coeur : Dida (Nikola Ilic et Corina Schwingraber Ilic) Ne croyez surtout pas que je hurle (Frank Beauvais) Leviathan (Lucien Castaing-Taylor et Verana Paravel) Les printemps incertains (Sylvain L'Espérance) Sans frapper (Alexe Poukine) No Crying at the Dinner Table (Carol Nguyen) Yours in Sisterhood (Irene Lusztig) Primas (Laura Bari) Hale County This Morning, This Evening (RaMell Ross)
In Saigon, family culture carries on as it has for centuries, even when blood ties are broken. Through a mosaic of intimate portraits, _Má Sài Gòn_ explores humanity’s universal desire for love, acceptance, connection and belonging through an LGBTQ+ lens. The film is a love letter – a bittersweet ode to a comforting yet disturbing mother, to a city that is as liberating as it is oppressive.
Echoing her own mother's voice recounting her relationships with her mother and grandmother, filmmaker Chantal Akerman visits three elderly Jewish women and asks them to speak about their ancestors. Seated in their living rooms and filmed in static shots, these grandmothers share their memories, the life of Jewish communities before the war, the Holocaust, and the efforts to survive the horror....
After several years of absence Yukie returns to Baba's house in search of her identity. In this house of a thousand corners, these two lonely souls meet, but a great chasm separates them. Little by little, between the murmur of the television and the abandoned garden, tongues are loosened and the distance decreases.
How does one remember a homeland they are so deeply connected to and disconnected from? When Canadian-born filmmaker Emilie Serri travels to Syria for the first time in ten years, she feels alienated. A year later, when her grandmother dies and the war begins, she tries to piece back together an image of this elusive country she desperately wants to call her own. Gathering evidence from the pas...
The Two Faces of a Bamiléké Woman
Duration: 2h32This film tells the story of a young woman's return to her homeland, Cameroon, and the reunion with her mother, centered around revisiting spaces that have shaped both their lives. Their different journeys intersect around the traditions that form their identities. The film is a face-to-face encounter that confronts and questions the choices of these two women. It portrays two generations obser...
_In the Waves_ is an expressive documentary that depicts the life of 80 years old Joan Alma Mills in her aging coastal village. Following the death of her younger sister, Joan finds herself confronted by the fragility of life. As she tries to come to terms with her loss Joan searches for meaning in the natural world around her. Weaving intimate thoughts with lyrical imagery, _In the Waves_ was ...
Hatidze is one of the last people to harvest honey in the traditional way, in the desert mountains of North Macedonia. Without any protection and with passion, she connects with the bees. She only takes the honey she needs to make a modest living, always ensuring to leave half for the bees to maintain the delicate balance between humans and nature. But this equilibrium is soon disrupted by a no...
Five years ago, Kenyan farmer Kisilu Musya began filming his family, his village, floods, droughts and storms, documenting the impacts of climate change. When his home is destroyed by a storm, the self-taught filmmaker decides to take action by launching a farmers' solidarity movement. Kisilu's struggle will take him to Paris for COP21, where he will be confronted with the inertia, bureaucracy ...
The Waddenzee, the Wetland Sea, is a unique natural region, a coastal area of the Netherlands, Germany and Denmark which, depending on the tides, is sometimes sea, sometimes land. Johan van der Keuken films this "flat jungle", its fauna, flora and inhabitants whose lives have been disrupted by the economic, technical and industrial developments of the region.
All over France, Agnès Varda has met gleaners, reclaimers, collectors and finders. By necessity, chance or choice, they are in contact with the remains of others. Their universe is surprising. Potatoes, apples and other discarded foods, objects without masters and clocks without hands, this is the gleaning of our time. But Varda is also the gleaner of the title and her documentary is subjective...
Clay quarries deserted due to unpaid property loans, Spanish bricks embody the economic triumph and failure of a country. Factories that are shut half the year, a ghost city curiously inhabited, a working-class war against the expropriations orchestrated by banks: following the path of merchandise – bricks – gives a face to the crisis and outlines the individual and collective strategies that e...
In Beirut, Syrian construction workers are building a skyscraper while at the same time their own houses at home are being shelled. The Lebanese war is over but the Syrian one still rages on. The workers are locked in the building site. They are not allowed to leave it after 7p.m. The Lebanese government has imposed night-time curfews on the refugees. The only contact with the outside world for...
Last refuge for the forgotten of the American dream, the motel in the USA is home to a whole population of left behind, drifting humans who, from crisis to crisis - economic and personal - have been dispossessed of all. There are those who have lost everything. There are those who have left everything. Those who have forgotten everything. Those who still dream. Drawn in by daily survival, th...
_Fennario - The Good Fight_ is David Fennario’s story, a journey into the life of one of Canada’s great playwrights and into the soul of a man who has never stopped fighting for the causes he believes in. Fennario hails from Verdun, Québec and his plays are all intimately connected to his hometown. At age 65, Fennario lives in a wheelchair, a victim of an unknown paralyzing syndrome that was fi...
The arrival of the mining company Osisko creates a lot of agitation in Malartic, a small community of 3600 in Quebec, Canada. Many families and seniors need to write off certain elements of their heritage and way of life. Others see their lifestyle threatened to disappear in order to make room for the previously unthinkable: the largest open-pit gold mine in Canada. The project is endorsed by t...
*Les tortues ne meurent pas de vieillesse* nous fait partager la vie de trois vieux hommes du nord du Maroc. À quatre-vingts ans ou presque, Chehma, un ancien maître pêcheur, Erradi, un aubergiste solitaire et Abdesslam, un musicien ambulant, travaillent toujours pour gagner leur vie. Ce long métrage nous plonge dans les univers riches et colorés de ces vieux, à la fois tristes et heureux. Les ...
Primas is an evocative portrait of two cousins, Rocío and Aldana, Argentinian teenagers who, in the wake of heinous acts of violence that interrupted their childhoods, will free themselves from the shadows of their past. Travelling in Argentina and Montréal, the girls come of age having revelatory experiences in their everyday lives; learning dance, mime, theatre, circus and visual arts. They...
This visual love letter crafted by filmmaker Luc Bourdon uses clips from 120 NFB films to pay tribute to the city of Montreal in the '50s and '60s, with hat tips to its famous figures, places and residents.
Border mechanisms that act on migrants are many. Moving from shelter to shelter and hopping on trains, migrants head up north across Mexico to reach the United States and Canada. During the U.S election, migrants are more than aware that it could be their last chance to cross the border. Following their trajectory, Destierros draws a path of reclusion. A path where time remains the longest road...
In Saigon, family culture carries on as it has for centuries, even when blood ties are broken. Through a mosaic of intimate portraits, _Má Sài Gòn_ explores humanity’s universal desire for love, acceptance, connection and belonging through an LGBTQ+ lens. The film is a love letter – a bittersweet ode to a comforting yet disturbing mother, to a city that is as liberating as it is oppressive.
Echoing her own mother's voice recounting her relationships with her mother and grandmother, filmmaker Chantal Akerman visits three elderly Jewish women and asks them to speak about their ancestors. Seated in their living rooms and filmed in static shots, these grandmothers share their memories, the life of Jewish communities before the war, the Holocaust, and the efforts to survive the horror....
After several years of absence Yukie returns to Baba's house in search of her identity. In this house of a thousand corners, these two lonely souls meet, but a great chasm separates them. Little by little, between the murmur of the television and the abandoned garden, tongues are loosened and the distance decreases.
How does one remember a homeland they are so deeply connected to and disconnected from? When Canadian-born filmmaker Emilie Serri travels to Syria for the first time in ten years, she feels alienated. A year later, when her grandmother dies and the war begins, she tries to piece back together an image of this elusive country she desperately wants to call her own. Gathering evidence from the pas...
The Two Faces of a Bamiléké Woman
Duration: 2h32This film tells the story of a young woman's return to her homeland, Cameroon, and the reunion with her mother, centered around revisiting spaces that have shaped both their lives. Their different journeys intersect around the traditions that form their identities. The film is a face-to-face encounter that confronts and questions the choices of these two women. It portrays two generations obser...
_In the Waves_ is an expressive documentary that depicts the life of 80 years old Joan Alma Mills in her aging coastal village. Following the death of her younger sister, Joan finds herself confronted by the fragility of life. As she tries to come to terms with her loss Joan searches for meaning in the natural world around her. Weaving intimate thoughts with lyrical imagery, _In the Waves_ was ...
Hatidze is one of the last people to harvest honey in the traditional way, in the desert mountains of North Macedonia. Without any protection and with passion, she connects with the bees. She only takes the honey she needs to make a modest living, always ensuring to leave half for the bees to maintain the delicate balance between humans and nature. But this equilibrium is soon disrupted by a no...
Five years ago, Kenyan farmer Kisilu Musya began filming his family, his village, floods, droughts and storms, documenting the impacts of climate change. When his home is destroyed by a storm, the self-taught filmmaker decides to take action by launching a farmers' solidarity movement. Kisilu's struggle will take him to Paris for COP21, where he will be confronted with the inertia, bureaucracy ...
The Waddenzee, the Wetland Sea, is a unique natural region, a coastal area of the Netherlands, Germany and Denmark which, depending on the tides, is sometimes sea, sometimes land. Johan van der Keuken films this "flat jungle", its fauna, flora and inhabitants whose lives have been disrupted by the economic, technical and industrial developments of the region.
All over France, Agnès Varda has met gleaners, reclaimers, collectors and finders. By necessity, chance or choice, they are in contact with the remains of others. Their universe is surprising. Potatoes, apples and other discarded foods, objects without masters and clocks without hands, this is the gleaning of our time. But Varda is also the gleaner of the title and her documentary is subjective...
Clay quarries deserted due to unpaid property loans, Spanish bricks embody the economic triumph and failure of a country. Factories that are shut half the year, a ghost city curiously inhabited, a working-class war against the expropriations orchestrated by banks: following the path of merchandise – bricks – gives a face to the crisis and outlines the individual and collective strategies that e...
In Beirut, Syrian construction workers are building a skyscraper while at the same time their own houses at home are being shelled. The Lebanese war is over but the Syrian one still rages on. The workers are locked in the building site. They are not allowed to leave it after 7p.m. The Lebanese government has imposed night-time curfews on the refugees. The only contact with the outside world for...
Last refuge for the forgotten of the American dream, the motel in the USA is home to a whole population of left behind, drifting humans who, from crisis to crisis - economic and personal - have been dispossessed of all. There are those who have lost everything. There are those who have left everything. Those who have forgotten everything. Those who still dream. Drawn in by daily survival, th...
_Fennario - The Good Fight_ is David Fennario’s story, a journey into the life of one of Canada’s great playwrights and into the soul of a man who has never stopped fighting for the causes he believes in. Fennario hails from Verdun, Québec and his plays are all intimately connected to his hometown. At age 65, Fennario lives in a wheelchair, a victim of an unknown paralyzing syndrome that was fi...
The arrival of the mining company Osisko creates a lot of agitation in Malartic, a small community of 3600 in Quebec, Canada. Many families and seniors need to write off certain elements of their heritage and way of life. Others see their lifestyle threatened to disappear in order to make room for the previously unthinkable: the largest open-pit gold mine in Canada. The project is endorsed by t...
*Les tortues ne meurent pas de vieillesse* nous fait partager la vie de trois vieux hommes du nord du Maroc. À quatre-vingts ans ou presque, Chehma, un ancien maître pêcheur, Erradi, un aubergiste solitaire et Abdesslam, un musicien ambulant, travaillent toujours pour gagner leur vie. Ce long métrage nous plonge dans les univers riches et colorés de ces vieux, à la fois tristes et heureux. Les ...
Primas is an evocative portrait of two cousins, Rocío and Aldana, Argentinian teenagers who, in the wake of heinous acts of violence that interrupted their childhoods, will free themselves from the shadows of their past. Travelling in Argentina and Montréal, the girls come of age having revelatory experiences in their everyday lives; learning dance, mime, theatre, circus and visual arts. They...
This visual love letter crafted by filmmaker Luc Bourdon uses clips from 120 NFB films to pay tribute to the city of Montreal in the '50s and '60s, with hat tips to its famous figures, places and residents.
Border mechanisms that act on migrants are many. Moving from shelter to shelter and hopping on trains, migrants head up north across Mexico to reach the United States and Canada. During the U.S election, migrants are more than aware that it could be their last chance to cross the border. Following their trajectory, Destierros draws a path of reclusion. A path where time remains the longest road...