A subscriber logged in with a valid account can write a review of a film at any time, which will be visible to everyone, subscriber or not.
You can only write one review per film, but you can write as many reviews as there are incredible films on Tënk - there's no limit.
Your opinion is worthy of the Cahiers du cinéma? Don't hesitate to share it!
The review you write must :
Once you've written your review and clicked on "Validate my review", a validation message will appear at the top of the screen saying "your review has been successfully subscribed". Your review will then be posted automatically on the page of the documentary in question, in the "Subscriber reviews" section. Comments are displayed from the most recent to the oldest.
Tënk reserves the right to remove comments from the page if they do not comply with the above conditions.
You can find in your personal space "My account" > "My reviews", column "Reason for refusal" the reason for refusal of your review if this is the case. The different reasons are as follows :
In addition to this information, Tënk reserves the right not to give any further explanation as to the invalidation of the notice.
You can view all the reviews you have written in "My account" > "My reviews".
You can delete your reviews here at any time, but you cannot modify them.
You can also change your nickname. In this case, the signature will change on all your reviews.