Jean Salvy

Poster image Jean Salvy

Jean Salvy was a French stage director, filmmaker, and screenwriter born in 1932. He moved to Quebec in 1972. In the theater, during the 70s and 80s, he often directed his companion, the actress Louise Marleau, in plays by Tennessee Williams, Jean Racine, Harold Pinter, and others. In addition to French and foreign repertoire, Jean Salvy also adapted Victor-Lévy Beaulieu's play _Votre fille peuplesse par inadvertance _at the Théâtre d'Aujourd'hui in 1990. In cinema, he collaborated as a screenwriter on about half a dozen feature films directed by filmmaker Jean-Claude Lord. Salvy also served as the director of dramatic programs at Radio-Canada television from 1995 to 1999. He passed away in 2016.

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