Julian Ballester holds a master's degree in documentary filmmaking from Aix-Marseille University. During this program, he directed Rue Curiol (2013), a documentary that tells the story and journey of three transgender sex workers at a time when their street was disappearing. He later moved to Canada, where he continued to explore life on the streets. Midnight Ramblers (2017), his second film, was created with a group of five drug addicts, filmed at night on the streets of downtown Montreal. For Ballester, documentary cinema serves as a gateway to marginal worlds and territories he would never have otherwise been able to access.
Night after night, Kye, Tobie, Paul, Kim and Tattoo wander through the streets and alleys of Montreal. They support each other, and they are all drug users. It is their only way of escaping a harsh reality, but at the same time it is what keeps them on the streets. Kye, the youngest of the five, sometimes dreams of a different life.
Night after night, Kye, Tobie, Paul, Kim and Tattoo wander through the streets and alleys of Montreal. They support each other, and they are all drug users. It is their only way of escaping a harsh reality, but at the same time it is what keeps them on the streets. Kye, the youngest of the five, sometimes dreams of a different life.