Julie Auzou

Poster image Julie Auzou

A resident of Nantes for almost 20 years, Julie Auzou began her career as a cinema programmer for young audiences and as an image educator in an art house cinema. She then moved into radio, spending 5 years developing Le Sonolab et ses ateliers for the community radio station Jet FM. She co-produced Les Détricoteuses, a monthly program mixing feminist issues and sound creations. She worked on the documentary Implants Essure, des femmes cobayes en errance médicale in collaboration with Rozenn Le Carboulec (Quouïr - Nouvelles écoutes) and Splann (ONG d'enquêtes journalistiques en Bretagne), and has just completed Pause-pipi produced by Arte Radio, a 4-part series humorously deconstructing the act of urinating through the prism of gender.

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