Marie Amiguet

Poster image Marie Amiguet

Marie Amiguet is a French documentary filmmaker specializing in wildlife reporting. Of Franco-Swiss origin, she grew up in Vaucluse, in the south of France. At the age of 9, her parents decided to move to Cambodia. It was there that she initiated herself to photography and discovered her passion for animals. After studying sciences and biology, she embarked on a journey, exploring West Africa and then the Caribbean. She crossed the Pacific Ocean by boat and engaged in various sports. Back in France around the age of 25, she enrolled in the courses of the Institut francophone de formation au cinéma animalier de Ménigoute (IFFCAM). Her early films focused on animal mortality on roads, then on bats in a film shot in Corsica: Les ailes du maquis. Soon after, she met director Jean-Michel Bertrand, accompanying him for four years in the shooting of two feature films as a director of photography and then as a camera operator. She also took advantage of these shoots to create two documentaries: Avec les loups, a portrait of director Jean-Michel Bertrand, and Au retour des loups, a series of testimonials from wolf enthusiasts. In 2017, wildlife photographer Vincent Munier invited her to accompany him to the Tibetan Plateau to shoot The Velvet Queen alongside writer Sylvain Tesson. The film was presented at the Cannes Film Festival in 2021 and won the César Award for Best Documentary Film.

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