Myriam Pruvot

Poster image Myriam Pruvot

Myriam Pruvot is a multidisciplinary vocal artist. Her work consists of installation, performance, sound art, improvisation, poetry, song and musical composition. While her approach borrows from a wide range of media, it is always informed by the question of song, language and place. She is particularly interested in the political, poetic and philosophical dimensions of these objects. In 2015, she joined Prototype II, a choreographic composition research programme entitled "The vocal presence in the choreographic score" as a composer. She has collaborated as a writer and performer on numerous radio, musical and choreographic projects in Europe and elsewhere. In 2021, she created a radio chamber opera for the Archipel Genève Festival, touring Europe, and won the SACD-SCAM prize for her work in sound art. In 2022, she produced a piece for voice and train at the invitation of the ICTUS ensemble at the Europalia festival, and won the prize for best documentary at the Brussels Podcast Festival. In 2023, she made her first film, the short Antenae, documenting the meeting of a theorbist and a sound engineer. She lives, works and teaches in Brussels.

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