A graduate of the Vancouver Film School in Canada, Olivier Dury is a filmmaker and cinematographer. In 2008, he directed his first documentary, Mirages, followed by Sous le ciel in 2012. He then directed his films in collaboration with Marie-Violaine Brincard. First Si j'existe, je ne suis pas un autre in 2014, then L'homme qui penche in 2020. They are currently developing a science-fiction documentary essay after the fall of the Soviet Union: Sur l'abîme.
A major poet of the late 20th century, Thierry Metz (1956-1997) worked as a laborer or seasonal worker in the Lot-et-Garonne region. He transformed each stage of his life into poetic material. The film sheds light on the tragic intensity of his brief existence and the radical nature of his artistic commitment.
A major poet of the late 20th century, Thierry Metz (1956-1997) worked as a laborer or seasonal worker in the Lot-et-Garonne region. He transformed each stage of his life into poetic material. The film sheds light on the tragic intensity of his brief existence and the radical nature of his artistic commitment.