Ra’anan Alexandrowicz

Poster image Ra’anan Alexandrowicz

Ra'anan Alexandrowicz is a screenwriter, researcher, and director born in 1969 in Jerusalem. After obtaining a degree in physics, he decided to take courses at the Sam Spiegel Film and Television School in Jerusalem. He then ventured into directing documentary films. His first film, Martin (1999), explores the memory of the Holocaust across multiple generations. His subsequent film, The Inner Tour (2000), focused on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and was selected for screening at the Berlinale and Sundance. In 2003, he directed James' Journey to Jerusalem, a feature-length fiction film that premiered at the Directors' Fortnight and TIFF. The film offers a shrewd exploration of the economic, moral, and spiritual hypocrisy of Western society through an evocative portrayal of the cultural and generational divisions of modern Israel. With The Law in These Parts (2011), Alexandrowicz aimed to expose the existence of a parallel legal system in Israel, which applies solely to Palestinians living under military occupation. The film received the Grand Jury Prize for Best Documentary at Sundance, as well as a Special Jury Prize at Hot Docs and Full Frame festivals. His recent film, The Viewing Booth, selected at the Berlinale in 2020, is a detailed study of how a young pro-Israeli American viewer perceives images of Palestinian rights abuses.

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