
Poster image Stories

In this computer-animated work, Inuit filmmaker Mary Kunuk explores stories, tales and songs that she learned in her own childhood. For her, the process of recording them on video keeps them alive. 


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Mary Kunuk

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With Unikausiq, Mary Kunuk tells three short stories, combining animation, poetry, and voiceover. All three explore topics that highlight the holistic perspective inherent to Inuit culture, compassion, creativity, and, at the heart of each, play. The first story, Avingalaaraluit, written and directed by Mary Kunuk and narrated by Marie-Hélène Cousineau, is about baby lemmings. The second video, Tease an Inuk (Taquiner un Inuk, in French) was written, directed and narrated in Inuktitut by Mary Kunuk. It explores an interaction between an Inuk and a snow bunting. The third, Singing Gull (Goéland Chantant) was written, directed and narrated by Mary Kunuk. Kunuk sings the gull’s story using traditional Inuit techniques, accompanied by striking visual supports.


Nakasuk Alariaq
Exhibitions curator






  • FR - Unikausiq

    FR - Unikausiq

    Language: Français
  • EN - Unikausiq

    EN - Unikausiq

    Language: English
  • Année 1997
  • Pays Canada
  • Durée 5
  • Producteur Tarriaksuk Video Centre, Vidéographe
  • Langue French, Inuktitut
  • Résumé court Stories and songs from childhood, told by an Inuit grandmother to her granddaughter.

With Unikausiq, Mary Kunuk tells three short stories, combining animation, poetry, and voiceover. All three explore topics that highlight the holistic perspective inherent to Inuit culture, compassion, creativity, and, at the heart of each, play. The first story, Avingalaaraluit, written and directed by Mary Kunuk and narrated by Marie-Hélène Cousineau, is about baby lemmings. The second video, Tease an Inuk (Taquiner un Inuk, in French) was written, directed and narrated in Inuktitut by Mary Kunuk. It explores an interaction between an Inuk and a snow bunting. The third, Singing Gull (Goéland Chantant) was written, directed and narrated by Mary Kunuk. Kunuk sings the gull’s story using traditional Inuit techniques, accompanied by striking visual supports.


Nakasuk Alariaq
Exhibitions curator






  • FR - Unikausiq

    FR - Unikausiq

    Language: Français
  • EN - Unikausiq

    EN - Unikausiq

    Language: English
  • Année 1997
  • Pays Canada
  • Durée 5
  • Producteur Tarriaksuk Video Centre, Vidéographe
  • Langue French, Inuktitut
  • Résumé court Stories and songs from childhood, told by an Inuit grandmother to her granddaughter.

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