Babor Casanova

Poster image Babor Casanova

Algiers, 2015: Adlan and Terrorist navigate the Sacré Coeur neighborhood, desperately trying to earn a few dinars. Between small deals and unofficial parking service, they wait for the weekends and the Mouloudia’s soccer games. There, they can forget the emptiness of their daily lives, sing their love for the team, and dream about the boat that might, one day, take them far away from this unforgiving country


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Karim Sayad


L'équipe de Tënk

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On the waterfront in Algiers, with the other side of the Mediterranean planted in their eyes, Adlan and Terroriste are the emblem of a sacrificed Algerian youth, whose future seems to be reduced to the dream of that gray horizon. Yet, in their energy, as they lead us into the ranks of the supporters of the Algiers football team, their hopes resonate. They set the tone and rhythm for Babor Casanova, and Karim Sayad takes us along with them, defusing prejudices.



Madeline Robert
Programmer at Visions du Réel and producer



  • Français


    35 mn

    Language: Français
  • English


    35 mn

    Language: English
  • Année 2015
  • Pays Switzerland, Algeria
  • Durée 35
  • Producteur Close Up Films
  • Langue Arab
  • Sous-titres French, English
  • Résumé court Algiers, 2015. Adlan and Terrorist navigate the Sacré Coeur neighborhood, desperately trying to make a few dinars.
  • Mention festival Student Prize for Youth · Clermont-Ferrand International Short Film Festival 2016

On the waterfront in Algiers, with the other side of the Mediterranean planted in their eyes, Adlan and Terroriste are the emblem of a sacrificed Algerian youth, whose future seems to be reduced to the dream of that gray horizon. Yet, in their energy, as they lead us into the ranks of the supporters of the Algiers football team, their hopes resonate. They set the tone and rhythm for Babor Casanova, and Karim Sayad takes us along with them, defusing prejudices.



Madeline Robert
Programmer at Visions du Réel and producer



  • Français


    Duration: 35 minutes
    Language: Français
    35 mn
  • English


    Duration: 35 minutes
    Language: English
    35 mn
  • Année 2015
  • Pays Switzerland, Algeria
  • Durée 35
  • Producteur Close Up Films
  • Langue Arab
  • Sous-titres French, English
  • Résumé court Algiers, 2015. Adlan and Terrorist navigate the Sacré Coeur neighborhood, desperately trying to make a few dinars.
  • Mention festival Student Prize for Youth · Clermont-Ferrand International Short Film Festival 2016

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