Catherine Martin

Poster image Catherine Martin

Catherine Martin was born in Quebec. She completed a college degree in visual arts and pursued in fine arts at Concordia University in Montreal where she studied film and photography. Catherine Martin writes and directs all her films. She has independently produced her short films including Nuits d'Afrique (1990) and Les fins de semaine (1995). It was in 1998 that she wrote her first documentary Les dames du 9e, then, in 2001, a first fictional feature film, Mariages. Subsequently, she directed Océan (2002), Dans les villes (2006), L’esprit des lieux (2006), Trois temps après la mort d'Anna (2010) and Une jeune fille (2013). Her films have been presented in numerous international festivals (Berlin, Toronto, Oberhausen, Nyon, Buenos Aires, Shanghai, Karlovy Vary, etc.). They have won awards in Quebec, Canada and abroad. Three of them were among the top ten Canadian films of the year (TIFF's Top Ten): Mariages, Océan and Trois temps après la mort d'Anna). In 2017, she directed Some of My Friends and, more recently, Éloge de l'ombre, a poetic documentary essay exploring the profound theme of shadow in three movements.

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