This Is No Time for Romance

Poster image This Is No Time for Romance

In the midst of summer pleasures and her children's play, a young woman questions the meaning of her life as a wife and mother, and her chances of happiness. Filmed in the 1960s, this film starring Monique Mercure and Marc Favreau depicts the "female condition" from various perspectives.


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  • Français


    28 mn

    Language: Français
  • Année 1967
  • Pays Quebec
  • Durée 28
  • Producteur ONF / NFB
  • Langue French
  • Résumé court A young woman reflects on her life and her role as a mother and wife in this 1960s portrayal of the female condition.
  • Mention festival Best short film · 1968 Canadian Film Awards
  • Capsule film <p>D&eacute;couvrez un entretien&nbsp;avec Fernand Dansereau&nbsp;r&eacute;alis&eacute; par T&euml;nk en 2023.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><iframe frameborder="0" height="480" scrolling="no" src=";amp;autopause=0&amp;amp;player_id=0&amp;amp;app_id=58479" width="854"></iframe></p>

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  • Français


    Duration: 28 minutes
    Language: Français
    28 mn
  • Année 1967
  • Pays Quebec
  • Durée 28
  • Producteur ONF / NFB
  • Langue French
  • Résumé court A young woman reflects on her life and her role as a mother and wife in this 1960s portrayal of the female condition.
  • Mention festival Best short film · 1968 Canadian Film Awards
  • Capsule film <p>D&eacute;couvrez un entretien&nbsp;avec Fernand Dansereau&nbsp;r&eacute;alis&eacute; par T&euml;nk en 2023.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><iframe frameborder="0" height="480" scrolling="no" src=";amp;autopause=0&amp;amp;player_id=0&amp;amp;app_id=58479" width="854"></iframe></p>

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